Have you ever wanted a custom painting done of a place that has special meaning to you? Or did you fall in love with one of my originals, only to find out it had already been sold? Whatever the case may be, it would be my pleasure to create a one-of-a-kind original oil painting for you. There are a few steps to this process, however, please read them carefully, as my goal is to ensure you receive a piece of art that you truly love.
Step 1
Choose a photo or photos of the scene you'd like a commission of. This can be a photo you've taken or one from the selection of photos from my photography page.
Step 2
Choose a painting or two of mine that are your favourites or that you like the colours from.
Choose a size. You may know the exact size you want, or just a general size. It can be very helpful to take photo and measure the space you plan on hanging the piece.
Step 3
Step 4
Contact me for a quote. Pricing mainly depends on size, but also level of complexity. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!